Education IT Programme Update - Michaelmas term 2018 (issue 6)
The Education IT Programme Update is a termly publication, and includes the latest information about all projects commissioned by the Education IT Board. To receive the email Update, send a request to
As we reach the end of term and look forward to 2019, there are a number of important updates to share about the projects in the remit of the Education IT Programme.
Student Systems project highlights

There are a number of Student Systems projects, and major updates for this term are as follows:
Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR): on 15 October, GSR was successfully launched, and replaced the previous Graduate Supervision System (GSS). GSR is now being used by graduate students and their supervision teams, for supervision reporting.
Graduate Admissions Online Decisions: this project has now been reviewed by the Education IT Board, in line with the usual governance processes and funding gates. Unfortunately, although the Board was supportive of the project, and agreed on its benefits, funding is not available at the moment to allow it to proceed. We would like to take the opportunity to thank those involved for their contribution to project activities.
Student Progression: 56 paper-based Graduate Studies Office (GSO) forms and four undergraduate forms are being replaced with online applications and a digitised approval/workflow process, to improve the way that these activities are completed and administered. The first 12 new digitised applications are now being developed, and will be delivered in eVision for Trinity term 2019.
This project is part of the Focus programme.
Examiner Appointments and Payments: development of a new system has started, to support the streamlining and automation of examiner appointments and payments processes for undergraduate and taught graduate degrees. The appointments element is expected to be available in early June 2019, followed by the payments element towards the end of 2019.

Tutorial Management System (TMS): this project will replace OxCORT, which will be available for use by all colleges and departments with responsibility for undergraduate teaching. Delivery is scheduled for Michaelmas term 2020.
HESA Data Futures: this project will prepare the University to meet the requirements from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for a new approach to collection of student data. The project will work with colleagues across the collegiate University, to understand how they currently collect and manage the relevant data, and to look at ways in which that information can be made available to the Student Records system in a timely way.
Outreach and Access Activity Management: currently in the planning stage, this project will provide outreach practitioners with a new platform and processes for the management and administration of outreach programmes and events. The first users of the system will be UNIQ, along with a small number of early adopter colleges and departments for the management of Study Days.
Further details about these projects, and all other Student Systems projects, are on the Student Systems projects web page.
Academic IT project highlights

Three high profile Academic IT projects are underway:
Canvas: the new Canvas virtual learning environment (VLE), is being used by early adopters to support teaching and learning to over 2000 students. The programme is now engaging with faculties and departments to discuss moving to Canvas in readiness for Michaelmas term 2019.
Online Reading Lists: this project will deliver a solution to enable students to access their reading lists – linked to full-text resources and catalogue availability data – in an accessible, digital environment. The new Oxford Reading Lists Online (ORLO) tool has been integrated with the library management system, and with Canvas, and is now being used by early adopters.
E-exams: a small-scale trial in April 2018 allowed students sitting timed, invigilated essay-type examinations, to type – rather than handwrite – their responses. The project has undergone formal evaluation, and following the success of the April trial, options for running a larger trial in April 2019 are being investigated.
Further details are on the Academic IT projects web page.
Completed projects
All completed projects are listed on the completed projects page.
If you have any questions about the content of this update, please contact