MyOxford Digital Student Hub: getting ready for launch in Michaelmas term

8 July 2024

myoxford mobile screen

MyOxford app prototype

What is MyOxford?

The MyOxford Digital Student Hub is a mobile app or browser-based portal that looks to enhance student experience and provide a single, consolidated point of entry for students to navigate their University and college systems and services, and access key information more efficiently. All undergraduate and post-graduate students with Single Sign-On (SSO) accounts will have access to MyOxford from Michaelmas term 2024.

What's happened so far?

We have partnered with Ready Education to use their MyDay product to develop a prototype of the MyOxford app, which we tested during May and June with students from Merton and Kellogg Colleges, and a small number of departments.

We gave the students access to the prototype app and asked for their feedback on design and layout. Students were pleased with the concept and said it made it much easier to find the systems, forms and information they needed. They said they liked not having to login with their SSO for each system and that it highlighted information online that they hadn’t used before.

The project team is taking on board the students' feedback on the look and functionality of the app. This is being factored into a wide range of updates that are planned ahead of the Michaelmas term launch.

What’s happening over the summer?

Throughout the summer we are building individualised dashboards for each college and are working closely with colleges to gather requirements on their design and functionality.

When MyOxford is launched to all students at the beginning of Michaelmas, they will see their college dashboard alongside the University dashboard, and we want to make sure these are as ready as possible at that point.

When will MyOxford be launched to students?

We plan to make the first version of MyOxford available to all students with an SSO at the beginning of Michaelmas term. We will be encouraging students to give us their feedback and ideas to inform ongoing development of the app. We plan to release enhanced functionality on a regular basis throughout the coming academic year.

How can staff support the MyOxford app?

We would like as many students as possible to use MyOxford once it has launched and would very much appreciate the support of staff in colleges, departments and faculties to tell your students about the app, to encourage them to use it and to give us feedback. We will be providing you with a communications pack later in the summer which you can use in local communications to students.

For those in colleges, please make sure you get back to us with your requirements for your college dashboard, if you have not yet, so we can get it set up in time for the Michaelmas term launch. If you aren’t sure where in the process your college is, please do get in touch on

How can I find out more?

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