The Education IT Programme Update is a termly publication, and includes the latest information about all projects commissioned by the Education IT Board. To receive the email Update, send a request to
Highlights from Trinity term
With 17 active projects in the remit of the Education IT Programme, some significant progress has been made since the Hilary term update, including:
- Graduate Supervision Reporting: this project to replace the Graduate Supervision System (GSS) in October 2018 has been given approval to start developing the system. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
- Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Review: the review is moving forward with a recommendation to look for a new VLE for Oxford. Potential suppliers will be invited to submit a proposal fulfilling Oxford’s requirements, and then undergo a selection process. Details are on the Academic IT projects page.
- Tutorial Management System (OxCORT replacement): this new project is in the early stages of identifying how a new system to replace the Oxford Colleges On-line Reports for Tutorials system (OxCORT) could support colleges, with a view to implementing it for the 2019/20 academic year. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
The Assessment Results Management project aimed to implement a new system to support the management of marking of examinations, which would allow MarkIT, a system used by a number of Humanities and Social Sciences departments, to be retired. This project has shown that marking management is an area that would benefit from a review of processes. The project has therefore been put on hold to allow time to explore options for process simplification before a solution is identified. MarkIT will continue to be supported by IT Services while this work is carried out. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
Project updates
Academic IT projects
Updates on current projects include:
- VLE Review - findings and next steps
- Learning Design Model – a supportive framework for designing technology-enhanced learning
Find out more on the Academic IT projects page.
Student Systems projects
Updates on current projects include:
- Graduate Supervision Reporting - replacing GSS
- Graduate Admissions Improvements - for applicants, academic assessors and administrators
- Tutorial Management System project - replacing OxCORT
Find out more on the Student Systems projects page.
Completed projects
- OSS - now switched off: The now obsolete student records system, OSS, was switched off in Trinity term 2017. Data that needs to be retained has been identified and stored separately.
- WebLearn Upgrade - software fixes and enhancements: WebLearn was upgraded on 27 April (version 11-ox5), to include the latest available software fixes and enhancements.
All completed projects are listed on the completed projects page.
If you have any questions about the content of this update, please contact