The Education IT Programme Update is a termly publication, and includes the latest information about all projects commissioned by the Education IT Board. To receive the email Update, send a request to
Highlights from Hilary term
With 17 active projects in the remit of the Education IT Programme, significant updates include:
Canvas @ Oxford
A number of early adopters will move their courses to Canvas for Michaelmas term 2018. Canvas is the new virtual learning environment (VLE) that is replacing WebLearn. Details are on the Academic IT projects page.
Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR)
Graduate Supervision System (GSS) will be replaced in Michaelmas term 2018. Feedback from a pilot of GSR during the summer will be taken into account and improvements considered, before the wider rollout to the University. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
Tutorial Management System
Requirements have been identified for a new system that will replace OxCORT. Briefing sessions are being held for departments to establish their level of interest in using the new system. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
Examiner Appointments and Payments
The aim of this project is to streamline and automate examiner appointments and payments processes (for undergraduate and taught graduate degrees), and to provide a new IT system to support these processes. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
This project is part of the Focus programme.
This project recently trialled a system to allow students sitting timed, invigilated essay-type examinations, to type – rather than handwrite – their responses. Details are on the Academic IT projects page.
Other project updates
Student Systems projects
In addition to the GSR, TMS and EAP projects listed above, there are a number of other Student Systems project updates. These include Student Progression (digitising paper processes, including GSO forms), Graduate Admissions Online Decisions (improving speed and efficiency within decision making), Combined Fees (supporting a single fee for all students and applicants), and more. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
Academic IT projects
In addition to the Canvas @ Oxford and E-exams projects, an update on the Online Reading Lists project can be found on the Academic IT projects page.
Completed projects
All completed projects are listed on the completed projects page.
If you have any questions about the content of this update, please contact