Work has started to move the University's existing on-premise SharePoint service to the Cloud, where it will become SharePoint Online, part of the Nexus365 suite of applications.
Existing SharePoint sites will need to be moved to SharePoint in Nexus365 and the IT Services project team will be working together with site owners and users to determine a migration plan.
What are the benefits for SharePoint users?
SharePoint in Nexus365 includes several new features and additional benefits, such as:
• increased storage capacity
• improved search and navigation
• document collaboration
• integration with MS Teams
• simple, flatter structure.
When is this happening?
SharePoint Online will be available by summer 2020, although additional functionality may not come online until later in the year.
We are planning a phased migration of sites starting by the summer and continuing into 2021.
Further information about the project
More information about this SharePoint project is available on the IT Services Projects website. If you have any questions about the project please email the SharePoint Online Team.