The Education IT Programme Update is a termly publication, and includes the latest information about all projects commissioned by the Education IT Board. To receive the email Update, send a request to
Highlights from Hilary term
With 20 active projects in the remit of the Education IT Programme, some significant progress has been made since the Michaelmas term update, including:
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Review
Announcing Canvas @ Oxford: Oxford’s new VLE has been chosen! Details are on the Academic IT projects page.
WebLearn Admin Use Reduction
Related to the new VLE, a new project is being planned to identify alternative technologies for those people who currently use the existing VLE, WebLearn, for purposes other than teaching and learning. WebLearn will remain available until this work is complete. Details are on the what will happen to WebLearn? page.
Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR)
A pilot will take place over the summer, as we prepare for the replacement of the Graduate Supervision System (GSS) in Michaelmas term 2018. New reporting windows will be introduced at the same time as GSR is made available. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
Tutorial Management System (OxCORT replacement)
This project will deliver a system to replace OxCORT, and will include an easy to use portal for tutors and students. Detailed requirements are being identified, and it is hoped that the new system could be delivered for the 2019/20 academic year. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
Student Progression
This project is investigating how paper processes (includes GSO forms) can be digitised using an electronic approval / workflow process. Alongside the project, a Working Group comprising key academic and administrative staff is leading a review of the processes behind the paper forms. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
This project is part of the Focus programme, a broad programme of activity to improve the way in which support services are delivered across the University.
Research Thesis Digital Submission (RTDS)
This application is a simple, safe and secure way for research students to submit a digital copy of their research thesis and additional materials for examination. Following a pilot with the Medical Sciences Division, RTDS was rolled out for optional use in all other divisions on 14 February 2018. Details are on the Student Systems projects page.
All other projects
Academic IT projects
As well as the VLE Review, updates on all other Academic IT projects, including Online Reading Lists, and E-Exams, can be found on the Academic IT projects page.
Student Systems projects
All Student Systems project updates, from Graduate Supervision Reporting and Tutorial Management System project to Examiner Appointment and Payment and Research Thesis Digital Submission (RTDS), are on the Student Systems projects page.
Completed project
Turnitin and iThenticate Review - evaluating Oxford’s plagiarism screening tools
This project reviewed the use of plagiarism screening tools at Oxford, including Turnitin and iThenticate, to assess whether they continue to meet the needs of staff and students. The recommendations from the review, are on the completed projects web page.
All completed projects are listed on the completed projects page.
If you have any questions about the content of this update, please contact