On-Course Applications: forms in scope

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Form number

Form title

In scope?

GSO.2 Transfer of status Yes Complete. Incorporated variants for MSD and MPLS
Various Additional subject-specific transfer of status forms Yes Complete. Incorporated into GSO.2
GSO.14 Confirmation of DPhil status Yes Complete. Incorporated variants for MSD and MPLS
Various Additional subject-specific confirmation of status forms Yes Complete. Incorporated into GSO.14
GSO 17, 17a and 17b Suspension of status and return from suspension of status Yes Complete
GSO.19 Adjustments to assessment arrangements No Requires process improvements that are beyond the remit of this project
GSO.25 Change of supervisor or appointment of joint supervisor Yes


GSO.28 Change of programme of study Yes Requirements analysis underway. Timeframe for completion not yet defined.


Form number

Form title

Already online?

GSO.2b Deferral of transfer of status Yes
GSO.3 Appointment of examiners Yes
GSO.3c Dispensation from consultation of thesis Yes
GSO.4 Change of mode of study Yes
GSO.6 Change of thesis title Yes
GSO.8 Dispensation from statutory residence Yes
GSO.14b Defer confirmation of status Yes
GSO.15 Extension of time Yes
GSO.16 Time-specific viva Yes
GSO.27 Appointment of examiners (law) Yes
GSO.29 Withdrawal Yes


The following forms, reports and memos will be moved into eVision workflows as part of the PGR Outcomes System Changes project:


Form number Form title Covered by PGR Outcomes?
GSO.5 Memorandum for the examiners Yes
GSO.7 Memorandum of guidance for MLitt examiners Yes
GSO. 7a Memorandum of guidance for MSc examiners Yes
GSO.9 Notice of oral examination Yes
GSO.10 Fees and expenses claim form for examiners Yes
GSO.11 Report of the examiners (DPhil) Yes
GSO.12 Report of the examiners (MSc by Res) Yes
GSO.13 Report of the examiners (MLitt) Yes
GSO.18 Extension of time for completion of minor or major corrections Yes
GSO.42 MSt legal research examiners report form Yes
GSO.62 MPhil law examiners report form Yes


Contact us

If you have any queries about this project, please email the project team: OCA@IT.ox.ac.uk